Howpersonal information is handled on the OM Digital Solutions website
AtOM Digital Solutions Hong Kong Limited. (hereinafter referred to as"we/us/our") of the IP, we understand the importance of your personalinformation. We believe that it is our social responsibility to properly handleand thoroughly protect all personal information you provide to us.
Thispage describes our policy on the processing of personal information under thedomain name "" (hereinafter referred to as the"Website"). Please note that this policy does not apply to our otherwebsites in Japan or the websites of our overseas affiliates. Please ask eachentity about its policies.
1.What is "personal information"?
Yourpersonal information is any information that can identify you, such as yourname, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, etc.
2.Personal Information You Provide
Youcan access almost all of the services on this website without providing anypersonal information. It is up to you whether you provide us with your personalinformation. However, if you do not provide us with personal information,please note that you may not be able to use certain services. In addition, ifyou are under the age of 18, please obtain consent from your parent or guardianbefore providing your personal information.
Beforewe ask you to provide personal information, we will always inform you of thepurpose of use of the personal information and ask you to provide the personalinformation only to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose.
3.Our Use of Personal Information
Wewill only use your personal information within the scope of the purposes statedin advance. If we need to use your personal information for any other purpose,we will obtain your consent in advance and inform you of the other purposes. Ifyou do not agree to the modified purpose, you may, in your sole discretion,refuse our use of it for the modified purpose.
4.We do not disclose personal information to third parties
Wewill not disclose your personal information to any third party except in one ormore of the following circumstances: with your consent. We disclose yourpersonal information to third parties who are bound by confidentialityagreements and only for the purposes for which you have consented. When yourpersonal information is used as statistical data that does not identify you.When we are required to disclose your personal information by law, judicialorder, or similar order. When it is urgent to disclose your personalinformation in order to protect people's life, personal safety, property andother basic interests
5.Management of Personal InformationWe will manage your personal informationappropriately and carefully. We take necessary and appropriate measures toprevent your personal information from being inappropriately accessed, lost,damaged, hacked, leaked, or stolen.
6.Correction and Deletion of Personal InformationIf you wish to confirm, correct,delete or otherwise process the personal information you have provided to us,please contact your account representative. We will respond to your request inany reasonable manner. Otherwise, your personal information will not be alteredas we will always confirm your identity.
7.CookiesSome pages on this website use a technology called cookies*. You can askyour browser to refuse cookies. However, in this case, you may not use some orall of the services of this website.
*"Cookies" are small text files that are sent to you from a web serverand are saved by your browser on your computer's hard drive or other storagedevice. Because the web server can recognize that your computer has received acookie from us, it allows the web server to provide you with information thathas been selected specifically for you.
8.Our Position We protect your personal information in accordance with Japaneselaw and make continuous efforts to revise and improve the content of this page.
9.Questions or comments about this pageIf you have any questions or commentsabout this page,